
Fryerning Foundation

The family charity which has donated over £300,000 in the last 20 years. How to apply and how to donate

Fryerning Foundation
Fryerning Foundation Founded 2000

Making a difference to local charities

Fryerning Foundation was formed in 2000 by Keith and Rita Brown who, with their daughter Lucy Whittaker, and son Tim Brown are the four trustees. By creating an endowment fund that generates regular income, they have been able to provide regular support to a number of their chosen charities, and also ensure that this will continue in perpetuity. Additionally donations have enabled the range of giving to be broadened.

Fryerning Foundation

Our Trustees

Keith Brown

Keith Brown

Rita Brown

rita Brown

Lucy Whittaker

Tim Brown

Tim Brown

Fryerning Foundation

Our Aims

Fryerning Foundation particularly aims to make a difference to small locally based charities in Essex and East London. This includes schools and churches, while charities that help children have been an important focus of giving. It does not make donations to National Charities or appeals unless they relate to local projects.

Fryerning Foundation supports overseas development charities and those involved with animal welfare as a result of the family’s strong interest in horses. 

Fryerning Foundation supports and organises charitable events adding both financial support and organisational advice.  For many years Fryerning Foundation sponsored the Ingatestone Rotary Golf Club Day and has worked with it to support many local charities, including some nominated by the Foundation.

 In 2007 Rita celebrated a special birthday and guests contributed £6,000 through the Foundation to Farleigh Hospice. More recently it raised funds for Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Association to refurbish Fryerning Parish Room and in 2013 supported a Christmas Fair in aid of GOSH and Ehlers-Danlos. £5,000 has been donated to the Trades House of Glasgow to support it Kinship Care Initiative for young people deserted by their parents. This reflected Keith’s role as Deacon Convener of the Trades of Glasgow in 2016/17. In 2021 Keith and Fryerning Foundation published “Reflections’, the proceeds of which  will be donated to Fryerning Foundation.

In 2020/21, 18 charities were supported ranging from small donations to donations of over £1,000. In the last 5 years we have supported over 50 charities. 

At the end of March 2021 Fryerning Foundation reached a milestone of £325,000 of support to deserving charities – really making a difference.

Money raised in total

Charities helped in 2021

Charities helped in the last 5 years

Latest News

Sales of REFLECTIONS have reached £10,000. This has enabled donations so far to be made to date to:


Fryerning Foundation


Total Donations

£325,000 of donations made since formation in 2001

Donations made

Nearly 400 donations to charities since 2001

Charities and the Worshipful Company of Coopers

Concert at Fryerning House to raise funds for the Charities and the Worshipful Company of Coopers where Keith was Master in 2002/3. Total raised £16,000

Animal Health Trust

Support for the Animal Health Trust during Keith’s membership of the British Horseracing Board – £15,000

Farleigh Hospice

Rita’s special birthday raised £6,000 for Farleigh Hospice from friends who donated as presents

Sponsorship of Ingatestone Rotary Club Golf Day

Sponsorship of Ingatestone Rotary Club Golf Day has provided £12,000 of support to local charities

Renovation of the Petre Chapel

Renovation of the Petre Chapel in Ingatestone Parish Church – £7,500

Fryerning Parish Room

Raising funds for the Fryerning Parish Room through the Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Association  – £19,000

Working with Ingatestone Parish

Working with Ingatestone Parish Church to send Christmas toys to Africa under the banner of ‘Cricket without Boundaries’ Charity and to CLIC Sargent Hospice in Prestwick

Marie Curie Hospice

Contributing to the Marie Curie Hospice in Glasgow as a result of Keith’s positions as Deacon of the Incorporation of Coopers of Glasgow – £8000

Fryerning Christmas Fair

Sponsorship of Fryerning Christmas Fair in aid of GOSH and Ehlers-Danlos

Ingatestone & Fryerning Junior School

Refurbishment Appeal for Ingatestone & Fryerning Junior School – £2,500

Kinship Care

Support for Kinship Care, Glasgow of £5,000 through the Trades House of Glasgow Charity

Fryerning Foundation

The Way Forward

Fryerning Foundation aims to place the emphasis of its charitable giving in the areas of:

  • Children
  • Locally in Essex and the East End of London
  • Sponsoring and supporting local interests
  • Selected Overseas Development
  • Charities associated with the Worshipful Company of Coopers in London, The Incorporation of Coopers in Glasgow and The Trades House of Glasgow

Applicants for financial support need to fit into one of these categories, although the Trustees will consider others in special circumstances.

In order to maintain the current level of giving, Fryerning Foundation needs to attract donations outside the family.  There are advantages it can offer:                 

  • Fryerning Foundation has a clear focus on local and children’s charities who do not have the marketing and fund raising capabilities of large national charities.  Donations made by Fryerning Foundation really do make a difference.
  • Fryerning Foundation maintains regular contact with those organisations to whom it gives financial support to ensure that donations are properly applied to the purpose for which they are given.  It receives regular feedback.
  • Donations to development charities are strictly monitored to ensure that they go straight to the recipient and not political lobbying
  • Fryerning Foundation is a registered charity and as such can reclaim 25p in addition to every £1 donation.
  • Our administration costs are minimal.

How to Apply for a Grant

Grants are only normally made to small charities in Essex and East London and National Charities only if funds going to a project in that area:

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